Internet Routing over LEO Satellite Constellations
Satellite constellations ooer interesting perspectives for Internet traac routing, since they beneet from a worldwide coverage and do not have the main drawback of geosynchronous satellites : propagation delay. However, because of their low altitude, LEO satellites are in constant motion and exhibit speciic issues for routing. This article presents a general architecture applicable to the integration of satellite constellations in the Internet.
منابع مشابه
Topological design, routing and hand-over in satellite networks
In this chapter, we survey communication related issues arising in the context of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations. In particular, we study the impact of the predictable movement of the satellites on the techniques used in topological design, routing, and hand-over strategies.
متن کاملLogical topology-based routing in LEO constellations
Rights ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. Absfrucf-Satellite communication is distinguished by g...
متن کاملDTN routing for quasi-deterministic networks with application to LEO constellations
We propose a novel DTN routing algorithm, called DQN, specifically designed for quasideterministic networks with an application to satellite constellations. We demonstrate that our proposal efficiently forwards the information over a satellite network derived from the Orbcomm topology while keeping a low replication overhead. We compare our algorithm against other wellknown DTN routing schemes ...
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Many Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) versions have been proposed for terrestrial wired networks over the Internet Protocol (IP), e.g. Tahoe and Reno. TCP/IP is being studied to overcome its limitations within the satellite medium and to allow its efficient use in hybrid terrestrial/satellite networks. So far studies have been mainly directed to the use of Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) con...
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